First Order
The New Republic’s rise reduced the once-mighty Empire to a rump state hemmed in by strict disarmament treaties and punishing reparations. But in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions, former Imperial officers, nobles and technologists plotted a return to power, building fleets and armies in secret. This movement became the First Order, first ruled by Supreme Leader Snoke, and then by Kylo Ren. The First Order was defeated by the Resistance, led by General Leia Organa, Rey of Jakku, former Stormtrooper Finn and Poe Dameron.
The New Republic’s rise reduced the once-mighty Empire to a rump state hemmed in by strict disarmament treaties and punishing reparations. But in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions, former Imperial officers,...
The New Republic’s rise reduced the once-mighty Empire to a rump state hemmed in by strict disarmament treaties and punishing reparations. But in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions, former Imperial officers, nobles and technologists plotted a return to power, building fleets and armies in secret. This movement became the First Order, first ruled by Supreme Leader Snoke, and then by Kylo Ren. The First Order was defeated by the Resistance, led by General Leia Organa, Rey of Jakku, former Stormtrooper Finn and Poe Dameron.
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